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This blog is an amateur photographer's attempt to show how beautiful the world really is. He is drawn to the colors of nature like a moth to a candle light. What are showcased here are nature's grand display of colors at sunrise and sunset, beautiful beaches and off-the-beaten track locations in his beloved Philippines, waterfalls and some of nature's great sculptures, architectural gems, and other views from around SE Asia that he was fortunate to see at one point.

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July 23, 2011

adams: lovers' peak mountain light

Lovers' Peak Mountain Light
mountain light

Literally just at Adam's backyard, this one is about 30 minutes walk from where we stayed. It offered one of the best mountain views of sunrise I've seen.

Our guide found it weird that we went there while the rest of the town is still in slumber land. The previous night he was suggesting that about 6-7AM would be a great time to go there for sunrise watching. I said "No, we'll wake up at 4AM"

Lovers' Peak Fog Cover
fog cover

We managed to peel ourselves off the bed when our wake up alarms went off. Quite surprising actually, considering the amount of wine we had the previous night (in my previous post I mentioned how I tasted one of the best fruit wines in Adams).

Adams Lovers' Peak Sunrise Rays
sunrise rays

Half way through the hike I could already see the first rays of the day breaking through the fog layers that blanketed the mountains in the east. We all seemed to not mind the uphill walk, as we are all excited what Lovers' Peak have to offer.

The peak was fog covered when we reached it, but within seconds the fog began to recede and we can already discern the valley below. Then the light show started.

Lovers' Peak Layers
Lovers' Peak layers

The light show was accompanied by the beautiful slow dance of the fog. It changed form, flowed, disappeared, and reappeared in another place. I was like a kid in a candy store, not knowing which direction to shoot first.

Adams Lovers' Peak Grand View
grand view

Before it was even over I could already see why they call the place "Lovers' Peak". It certainly is one of the most beautiful parts of town. Like a lover, the place have a way of clinging on to you (and I'm not referring to the countless amorseko or crabgrass that I still have to remove from my shorts and shirt).
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adventurousfeet said...

so amazing... lagi nalang ako natutulala sa pics mo :)

Earl said...

simply stunning!

bertN said...


Edmar del Castillo Guquib said...

Grabe naman, panalo ang blog mo! Ang gaganda ng mga photos mo. Jaw-dropping!!! Anyway, where did you stay in Adams and how can we connect with the owners of the accommodation facilities?
Waaahhh.. Panalo talaga ang mga photos mo promise! Love it!.

Lantaw said...

@Edmaration, thank you! For homestay accommodations you may contact Ilyn Chen 0920-661-0632/0916-680-8771

Unknown said...

@lantaw..sir san po to and meron ka itinerary nito? Tnx

Lantaw said...

Adams is in Ilocos Norte, near Pagudpud. Sorry, not IT

Unknown said...

It was called lover's peak started when there's a globe cellsite in Adams.Lover's peak is located between sitio malaggao and adams proper, it was happened that residents from that sitio could not reach by the cellsite.Inorder to connect with their textmates they need to go there at the peak.It is the nearest place where they can have signal in their cellphones.They made the peak as meeting place that is why during my high school days we used to go there for date.Thanks Lantaw.My lolo is the happiest person if only he is still alive while looking at your pictures.

Lantaw said...

Thank for the info! Its a beautiful place and fully deserves the name.

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