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About Me

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This blog is an amateur photographer's attempt to show how beautiful the world really is. He is drawn to the colors of nature like a moth to a candle light. What are showcased here are nature's grand display of colors at sunrise and sunset, beautiful beaches and off-the-beaten track locations in his beloved Philippines, waterfalls and some of nature's great sculptures, architectural gems, and other views from around SE Asia that he was fortunate to see at one point.

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January 17, 2014

sarangani: coastal sculptures


Some are shaped by nature, some by human hands. Some were felled by huge waves, others probably by man's necessity or greed. Immovable and resolute, they sit there like sculptures by the shore.

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January 5, 2014

mt matutum: a fortunate mistake

Mt. Matutum

Have you ever experienced something bad only later to realize it actually led to something good?

Only a few hours earlier I was sweating buckets in a bus station. Its the first weekend of 2014 and tomorrow school/work resumes. Everyone's on their way back to somewhere, including me. I have a flight to catch back to Manila and there was a horrendous queue with only a few buses around. With the rate the line advances I won't be able to make my flight. I should have come to the bus station earlier than usual!

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January 1, 2014

lantaw: 2013 in photos

Its the New Year! As I look forward to new destinations this 2014, I also look back at the photos defined 2013. Some of these photos have been in my bucket list for quite some time, some are just snapshots but made the list because I may not be able to have the chance to take them again. Some are were straight out of a perfect mix of good luck and serendipity. So here goes:
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[name=lantaw] [img=https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8237/8458831412_c95b7dbbae_t.jpg] [description=Loves to shoot nature's grand display of colors at sunrise and sunset, beautiful beaches and off-the-beaten track locations in his beloved Philippines, waterfalls and other natural wonders] (facebook=https://www.facebook.com/lantawphotos) (twitter=https://twitter.com/lantawphotos) (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/lantaw/)