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This blog is an amateur photographer's attempt to show how beautiful the world really is. He is drawn to the colors of nature like a moth to a candle light. What are showcased here are nature's grand display of colors at sunrise and sunset, beautiful beaches and off-the-beaten track locations in his beloved Philippines, waterfalls and some of nature's great sculptures, architectural gems, and other views from around SE Asia that he was fortunate to see at one point.

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October 28, 2013

sarangani: beauty among the mangroves

Back to Roots

For a few times a year I find myself, together with kindred souls, combing the Sarangani coast (Mindanao island in southern Philippines), looking for a nice place sunrise or sunset. Over time we have made a few spots our favorite and we kept coming back time and time again.

Mangrove Shooter

Some days we get lucky, most days its your usual overcast coastal twilight. But we don't mind. We don't even mind shooting the same scene over and over again. I guess its not the photos at the end of the shoot, its the folks you are shooting with.

But on a more serious note, I think the reason why I love shooting the coast is because of these beautiful trees and what (I think) they represent: strength and resoluteness amidst the harsh environment.


The older mangroves are vanishing, some due to the natural cycle of life, some were deliberately cut down. The stumps were a mere reminder of how once these were tall, strong, and magnificent trees.

Afterlife Beauty

Several of our favorite spots have been bought, fenced, and declared off-limits. Soon these will be "developed" into resorts and most of the time development spells disaster. Will the mangroves remain?

One last one standing

Three Kings



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1 comment:

sheng said...

I sure do hope they still remain. And I hope for people to plant more of these trees, they protect the coast more than what their stilt houses can.

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