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This blog is an amateur photographer's attempt to show how beautiful the world really is. He is drawn to the colors of nature like a moth to a candle light. What are showcased here are nature's grand display of colors at sunrise and sunset, beautiful beaches and off-the-beaten track locations in his beloved Philippines, waterfalls and some of nature's great sculptures, architectural gems, and other views from around SE Asia that he was fortunate to see at one point.

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June 3, 2014

singapore | nightscape: marina bay sands and supertree grove

Marina Bay Sands

With only a few hours to spare before my flight back to the islands, I headed to one of the most iconic locations in Singapore: Marina Bay.  You can literally spend the whole evening going around and not run out of eye-candies to shoot. But with my limited time and such a huge area, I went straight to Marina Bay Sands and the nearby Supertree grove.

Marina Bay Sands

You have probably seen quite a number of photos of this unmistakable casino/hotel, but did you know its is the world's most expensive building? According to Wikipedia, development and construction was to the tune of a whopping US$ 5.7 billion! Its no doubt one of the most iconic structures in the world. Its design was specifically chosen for maximum tourism appeal.

It helped that a couple of friends [iPinoylike] based in Singapore accompanied me [local knowledge is always invaluable in travel], otherwise I would have wasted hours just wandering around trying to figure which way is what.

Supertree Grove

 A small walkway from Marina Bay Sands crosses a lagoon right into the Supertree grove.

Supertree Grove

Its exhilarating to see these giant tree like structures at night. Its one thing to see them in photos, and another to walk under them. Believe me when I tell you I got my mouth gaping most of the time I was there.

Each "tree" [with heights between 25m to 50 m] supports a variety of exotic ferns, vines, orchids, and bromeliads.

Supertree Grove

But aside from just being eye candies, these vertical gardens (all 18 of them) are actually highly functional. They are fitted with photovoltaic cells and harness solar energy which is then used for some of their operations like lighting. They are designed to collect rain water as well.

They also function as air venting ducts for the nearby Cloud Forest and Flower Dome biomes [unfortunately I was not able to visit these areas as they closed after 9PM]

Supertree Grove

And the large canopies branching out at the top? They are actually temperature moderators!

Supertree Grove

But the nicest thing about the Supertree grove is that its quite accessible to the public, visitors and tourist included. There is no admission fee and you can enjoy and shoot around the open garden for as long as you want, or until you run out of memory cards :).
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