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This blog is an amateur photographer's attempt to show how beautiful the world really is. He is drawn to the colors of nature like a moth to a candle light. What are showcased here are nature's grand display of colors at sunrise and sunset, beautiful beaches and off-the-beaten track locations in his beloved Philippines, waterfalls and some of nature's great sculptures, architectural gems, and other views from around SE Asia that he was fortunate to see at one point.

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September 16, 2015

camotes: bukilat cave in poro island

One of the main attractions in Camotes is beautiful cave in the town of Tudela, a small sleepy town located in the eastern part of the island of Poro.

The entrance to the cave is non-descript, I remember asking the one manning the souvenir shop (entrance fee: Php 20.00) where the cave entrance is. She pointed to a spot practically just several feet away from where I was standing - behind a small gate and some huge ferns is a hole that leads underground.

Related post: Finding tropical bliss in Pacijan Island

There is a cemented stairway that winds around some huge stalagmites before it goes to a huge cavern, light by shafts of light from holes overhead.

Bukilat Cave 1

There is a small path way that traces the edge of a pool with crystal clear water. At low tide the water is just knee deep but can go up to 4 feet at high tide. There are evidences of faded graffiti on some parts of the cave, but apart from this and some of the man-made alterations (and "enhancement"), the cave's condition is relative good.

Bukilat Cave 3

The cave has a long history of providing shelter to the nearby community during times of disaster. During one recent super typhoon while strong winds are wrecking havoc outside, the mood inside the cave was even jovial, with kids frolicking in the pool.

Bukilat Cave 2

Getting to Bukilat Cave

The cave location is relatively remote, with virtually no public transportation going there. The road very is good though, and you'll be passing through some amazing coastal and rural scene. Here are some options:
  • You can rent a motorcycle (Php 500.00 per day), or hire a motorcycle and driver to take you there. Most of the resorts in Camotes are in San Francisco in the Santiago White Beach area and from there it is more or less 30 kilometers to Tudela. (Day trip cost: Php 1,000 - 1,500, but always haggle). I opted for the motorcycle rental and simply just drove around Poro's coastal road.
  • If you are a large group, you can rent a van. Most resorts in San Francisco have day tour packages as well that includes Bukilat Cave.

Side trips

While in Poro, you can drop by some of these attractions/resorts:
  • Buho Rock - just minutes away from the town center of Poro. Offers a nice view of the sunset.
  • Poro Church (Sto Niño Church)- oldest church in Camotes

Poro Church
Poro Church
  • Flying Fish Resort - located on the northern side of Poro island. The resort has one of the best snorkeling and diving areas. The resort also has various accommodation options (Contact Info:  Elsa Whittaker camotesflyingfishresort@yahoo.com, +63 908-876-5427 
Flying Fish Resort

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Jeff said...

Haven't heard yet of this cave but sure is stunning and gothic-like. And since I haven't got inside a cave yet, this Bukilat Cave is good for a first timer. Thanks!

Lantaw said...

Yup its perfect for first timers! Quite easy to go to and spacious inside. I think even those who are unconformable inside closed spaces would feel OK inside Bukilat

Unknown said...

I see. Maybe then many will really love this. I'm not claustrophobic so closed spaces won't be a problem. I hope I can visit this soon. :)

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