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This blog is an amateur photographer's attempt to show how beautiful the world really is. He is drawn to the colors of nature like a moth to a candle light. What are showcased here are nature's grand display of colors at sunrise and sunset, beautiful beaches and off-the-beaten track locations in his beloved Philippines, waterfalls and some of nature's great sculptures, architectural gems, and other views from around SE Asia that he was fortunate to see at one point.

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February 23, 2009

tambobong: hail to a new day (dasol, pangasinan)

Hail to a New Day
Sunrise in Tambobong Beach

No matter how dead tired I am, the lure of seeing God's gift of a new day wrapped in amazing hues of gold, red, and magenta is just too hard to resist. Seeing the amazing display of colors that morning in Tambobong beach felt exactly like this:

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day

-excerpt from Morning has Broken by Eleanor Farjeon (popularized by Cat Stevens)

(photo courtesy of Buboy Eito)

Warm sunshine on your face, the smell of fresh coffee and breakfast ... what could be more perfect than this?
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Oman said...

always great shots allan. i could almost feel the atmosphere there.

Garando said...

Great photos, love the colors and contrast!

escape said...

it is indeed God's gift. we can anticipate it everyday.

Photo Cache said...

I am glad for people like you who wakes up early to catch the promise of a new day so people like us who can't rise that early can see the beauty that lies in the breaking of the morning.

Anonymous said...

Oh my man! That breaking dawn is a beauty! I love mornings, who doesn't? It's another day to be thankful for. Yeah, let's wait and watch the morning come, then off to the beach, yeah, to the beach!

We're waiting for you to go to the beach!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, tinoud...bisag unsa paka kaduka ug kapoy, you'll always be awake when you see scenes like this!!!


Sidney said...

The first one is breathtaking... BEAUTIFUL !

Lantaw said...

Thanks Oman and Garando

Dom, tama ka bro, and we should always be thanksful for it

Photo Cache, my pleasure :)

Sheng, Lapit na lang, beach time na naman :)

Skies, Salamat bai!

MysLykeMeeh said...

as great pictures...anyways..can I link your nature, places blogs on my new site? when people click...it will be directed to ur site...is it okay?

Take care!

Lantaw said...

MsyLykeMeeh, Thanks! Please do add my blog to your links :)

Anonymous said...

Hey...i featured u on my site...see this page


Hope u won't mind...

Lantaw said...

MysLykeMeeh Wow thanks! Great site, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

a photo safari?

those sunrise hues are just stunning! another reason to wake up early in the morning :)

Lantaw said...

Estan, yup it was a photo safari :). Thanks!

zherwin said...

superb ang kulay! sabi nga ni marian rivera, beautiful!!!

Lantaw said...


Anonymous said...

ang layo naman ng tingin! :)

nice pix!

Anonymous said...

An award : I ♥ This Blog is waiting for you on my page. Go get it and enjoy!

Unknown said...

great colors bro. kakainggit! hehe
emote gid ah!

Anonymous said...

yun naman oh!

nice meeting you Kuya Allan!

more travels to come...

san amaturuan mo rin kami s apagpipicture! hehehe

Lantaw said...

Vanny, Gutom na kasi ako, sobrang aga ng gising hehe

Skies, Thanks!

Tracer, Its a "sunshine on my shoulders" thing bro hehe

Christian, Nice meeting you too bro. Byahe ulit tayo :)

Anonymous said...

such amazing photos you have!

Lantaw said...

places and memories, Thanks for the visit!

wayfarer said...

beautiful picture. :) just would like to inquire if you stayed at a resort here at tambobong beach and if you could recommend one for us because we're planning on going there. thanks!

Lantaw said...

wayfarer, thanks! we stayed with one of the locals (been going there since late 2007). I recommend you camp on the beach ;)

risa imperial said...

"I recommend you camp on the beach ;)"

we're a family of four with 2 young kids i don't think it's possible for us to camp overnight at the beach... still no available resorts there?

thank you


Lantaw said...

risa, Last Holy Week there are lots of families there that camped on the beach, and yes with young children too. But I understand that not all relish the idea of sleeping on the sand. You can try Matabang beach resort (http://matabang.multiply.com/), not much amenities. Its a small family owned resthouse that doubles as a resort during vacation season. They have 1 aircon room, several cubicles and open cottages. Chances are this place will be crowded.

Or so can always stay with one of the locals. You won't believe how friendly and accommodating they are. Just don't expect Boracay type accommodations ;)

email me at aebarredo[at]gmail.com if you need more help and info. I can recommend houses where you can stay at very affordable rates

risaimperial said...

we stayed at matabang...thank you
your site is now one of our favorites to visit.
keep on shooting & sharing


Lantaw said...

risa, Thank you! Matabang was not crowded? They did not overcharge you or anything? :)

risaimperial said...

because the weather was not cooperative and the fact that it's weekday when we got there, i guess it's our "lucky day/s" the whole resort was ours and also colibra/culebra island.
rate is under 300 per pax (attic)


Lantaw said...

risa, Lucky indeed. I hope you were able to try fishing in their "pla-pla" pond.

Anonymous said...

we went to dasol last summer 2009,,the place was breathtaking however staying in matabang beach spoiled it! the resort was highly commercialized..they practically charges everything!!!

Lantaw said...

@Anonymous, thats why I prefer to camp on the beach or stay with one of the locals :)

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