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This blog is an amateur photographer's attempt to show how beautiful the world really is. He is drawn to the colors of nature like a moth to a candle light. What are showcased here are nature's grand display of colors at sunrise and sunset, beautiful beaches and off-the-beaten track locations in his beloved Philippines, waterfalls and some of nature's great sculptures, architectural gems, and other views from around SE Asia that he was fortunate to see at one point.

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April 13, 2009

cabacungan: tambobong's premier sunset spot

Kabakungan Folly (test shot)
flickristasindios in Kabakungan

If you happen to find your way to Tambobong this summer (I heard the place was crowded last week during the Holy Week), don't miss Kabakungan cove if you plan to shoot the sunset. I went there with the flickristasindios a few weeks back and the place did not disappoint us. I have been there a couple of times already, yet Cabacungan seem to offer something new each time.

Its best to go there around 4PM (lowtide) via Nalasin just behind Crocodile Island. Your banca would not be able to go near the shore if you choose to go directly to Cabacungan cove because of the rocks and the chasm (exposed during lowtide) that borders the shore.

lowtide in Nalasin (enroute to Kabakungan)

From the Nalasin its a short hike to the cove. You would be passing by interesting rock formations that turn rust colored as the rays of the warm afternoon sun hits them.

Its a perfect place if you want to do some unique outdoor portraits. We had a model with us that time so our "short" hike was punctuated with 5-10 minute shoots.

Reflection of Beauty
Nalasin reflections

There is a great POV just beyond the shore, on top of a small hill enroute to Cabacungan. From there you'll be offered a different perspective of Nalasin.

Lee Ann @ Kabakungan Cove
spicing up the hike

Once in Cabacungan, you can position your tripod almost everywhere and still get a great POV of the sunset. While waiting for the sunset, you can visit the cave nearby and swim in its emerald pool. Or you can watch colorful fishes trapped in small shallow pools that dot the exposed rocky beach.

Kabakungan Sunset Textures
Kabakungan sunset textures

I positioned myself on top of a huge rock to get a view of the seaweed lined ledge. From there I got a clear view of the setting sun as well as the different textures of the rock and seaweed covered sea floor.

Kabakungan Anti-Sunset
Cabacungan anti-sunset

The water was really low when we were there that we were able to see a ledge leading to one of the entrances of the cave. It was a totally different point of view, one that is facing east - the opposite direction of the sunset. The western sky was devoid of clouds but we were lucky to have low lying clouds in the opposite direction.

Cabacungan is still good for a couple of trips, I think. More point of views to explore and considering the fact that lighting conditions are never the same, I think I'll still be able to get a few interesting shots from there.

Few folks are aware that the clouds opposite the sunset are often lighted to a glowing orange or pink a few minutes before sundown. The colors intensify a few seconds after sunset. This is part of the "afterglow" effect.
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Anonymous said...

Great great photos here, esp. that first one with the silhouettes.
Thanks for the visit bai.

Marites said...

wow! really ganda ng view! Ganda din ng model hehehe!

Photo Cache said...

Kabayan, that is paradise you captured here. I love the first pic, well I love 'em all.

Hoped you had a great Easter.

My entry is here: http://ewok1993.wordpress.com

Sylvia K said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Never seen anything quite like it! Fantastic photos!

Lantaw said...

Pacey, Salamat pud bai!

Marites, pang pa lami sa view ang model hehehe

Photo cache, Thanks! Happy Easter too!

Sylvia, Thank you!

escape said...

sarap magsummer dyan. ganda din pala sunset. may kasama pa pala kayong model.

paborito ko yung unang shot.

Lantaw said...

Dom, yung Kabakungan area kasi is directly facing the west, plus maraming interesting features yung landscape dun. Yung mga housemates ko just spent 5 days dun sa Tambobong, sunog sila lahat :D

nadia said...

Beautiful place. The water is so clear and inviting!

erin said...

beautiful shots as always...liked the sunset in the 5th photo and the model reflection shot too.
have a wonderful week.

Garando said...

Fantastic shots! Ganda ng texture ng seaweed-covered shore.
Yan ang tinatawag na "Magic Hour" di ba?

Regina said...

Nice shots as usual..Very good. refreshing. I'm sleepy already. I post late.

Catherine said...

looks a great place for sunsets...gorgeous scenery..

Sidney said...

If I wasn't distracted by the beauty of your model I would probably react on your sunset pictures... ;-)

Lantaw said...

nadia, Thanks!, luckily the place is still unspoiled

erin Thanks for the visit!

Garando, yup thats what they call it, pero the real nice colors come out for just a few minutes

Regina, Thanks for the visit!

Catherine, it is, you'll never go wrong with sunsets there :). Thanks

Sidney LOL! I guess shots like that are hotter than sunsets :D

Jenn said...

Beautiful shots as always! Love the silhouette shot and the anti sunset shot! Hope to find my way to Kabakungan some day. Thanks for sharing.

Arija said...

Wonderful sunsetsand, if i were a fellow, I would appreciate the girlie photo as well. Being me, I appreciate the reflection in the water more.

Lantaw said...

Jenn, its a must visit if you happen to be in Pangasinan :). Thanks for dropping by

Arija, Thats perfectly OK :). Thanks!

Reena said...

thanks for the birthday greeting. i'll drop by again soon. no time to read this post and the previous posts yet. cu!

The Islander said...

the reflecting model shoot is great! beyond the usual.

Lantaw said...

Reena, Thanks! Take your time :)

The Islander, Thanks bro!

Lantaw said...

Reena, Thanks! Take your time :)

The Islander, Thanks bro!

sheng said...

OMG! Ang galing, i love the pics, really... i am waiting for the Lake Sebu pics, must have been good if we joined in, but then again, i guess mabuti na lang nagpaiwan kami...

Lantaw said...

Thanks Sheng, I just posted my lake sebu photos :)

Mapatay man gyapon inang mga kawatan nga ina! :D

Reena said...

now ko lang napansin yung model shot. :) if i were a guy, i would appreciate that more than your other photos. hahaha

but, i love the last photo in this set. :)

Lantaw said...

Reena, haha thats what Arija mentioned. This is one of the very few posts that feature a model. I'm back to rocks and trees, rivers and falls :D

Inday said...

How beautiful that part of our country! Thanks for posting your brilliant skills in photography. Everything is just marvellous!

Lantaw said...

Bonnie, Thank you! I was lucky weather was always on my side every time I go there

adventurousfeet said...

pwede po ba malaman kung anu setting and kung anung filter/lens po gamit nyo sa pic na "Cabacungan anti-sunset" i wanna learn it so bad..will appreciate it a lot. And by the way you're so good!!! Wish you create fb page so i can follow hehe.

Lantaw said...

@adventurousfeet, CPL + GND filter, f11 @ 10s (I think), don't worry too much about the settings, light is dynamic so even if you use my settings the output may be different. Thanks. Look me up in FB :)

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