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May 5, 2012

siquijor: cambugahay and lugnason waterfalls

Cambugahay Falls Multi-level Cascades

Aside from its beautiful beaches, the mystical island of Siquijor is blessed with two equally majestic waterfalls.

The more popular of the two is the Cambugahay Falls in Lazi. During the rainy season the water can turn chocolate brown, but during summer its crystal clear, with some of its deep pools turning aqua green in color.

Cambugahay Falls Clear Water
crystal clear water

Since its just near the Lazi Convent, which is a must see in Siquijor, most tourist make this falls a side trip. During the weekend it can get crowded but on weekdays you'll usually get the place to yourself, save for a few local kids going for an afternoon swim.

If its not an overcast day (which is perfect for shooting waterfalls), its best to wait late in the afternoon when the sun is quite low before heading to this falls.

Cambugahay Falls Upper Level
upper level

Its a series of small cascades, some just over 7 feet in height. I started shooting from the top most layer and worked my way down.

Cambugahay Falls lower level
lower level

The lowest level has the deepest and the largest of the pools. Its the first one that you'll see after descending the 100+ steps from the parking lot.

The second waterfalls, called Lugnason Falls,  is found in Brgy Napo in  San Juan. Its also very accessible, just a 5 minute hike from the road, but nobody frequents the place. I only found a handful of photos of Lugnason while researching for the trip. Just like Cambugahay, Lugnason has several smaller cascades further upstream.

Lugnason Falls

It was a challenge to shoot this falls up close because of the strong water sprays. It was sunny when I was there (a great inconvenience when shooting waterfalls) so I had to wait for an hour or two just to get acceptable lighting.
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Kat said...

wonderful photos. definitely has given justice to the waterfalls!

Unknown said...

Wow! How I wish I can do a great shot like yours!

sheng said...

Very nice photos, I'd love to visit Siquijor someday.

Lantaw said...

@Untied Escape, thanks! you just have to be patience with the light, and persistent too :D

@Sheng, Punta ka na ng Dumaguete, tapos diresto ng Siquijor

Kaiser said...

Excellent photo indeed. I can still remember 9 years ago, Hagimit Falls in Samal Island looks like this but now it was ruined. I hope they can preserved its natural beauty.

Kaiser said...

Excellent photo indeed. I can still remember 9 years ago, Hagimit Falls in Samal Island looks like this but now it was ruined. I hope they can preserved its natural beauty.

Lantaw said...

@Kaiser, yeah I've seen Hagimit and its been over developed. I too hope this falls stays the same

Anonymous said...

very nice shots! tinuy-an falls in bislig, surigao del sur is a four tier falls.. you should come and visit it! you'll surely love it specially on rainy season when the volume of the water is massive :D

Andrea said...

Sayang! We didn't hear about Lugnason, even my officemate who is from San Juan did'nt tell us that!

Anonymous said...

Would like to ask on what is the river's name where lugnason falls is?

adventurousfeet said...

very lovely shots idol talaga! <3

Anonymous said...

I was there yesterday! :D truly magical!

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