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This blog is an amateur photographer's attempt to show how beautiful the world really is. He is drawn to the colors of nature like a moth to a candle light. What are showcased here are nature's grand display of colors at sunrise and sunset, beautiful beaches and off-the-beaten track locations in his beloved Philippines, waterfalls and some of nature's great sculptures, architectural gems, and other views from around SE Asia that he was fortunate to see at one point.

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April 1, 2009

tambobong: an indios experience

Indios in Balinmanok

With my back still sore from sunburn from a trip to Tambobong couple of weeks ago, I was back there last weekend with a group of photographer buddies from a Flickr group called flickristasindios. These guys are known for their street photos but the group has grown over the past year to include fashion photographers, landscape and outdoor photographers, and everything in between.

Our day started early. We arrived in Tambobong around 5AM, perfect to catch the first rays of the sun. While the rest of the gang went to the beach to find their POVs, Buboy (a travel buddy I brought to Tambobong a few weeks back) and I prepared a breakfast of adobong pusit (squid) and fried daing (dried fish) - enough to jump start the day.

Indios Invades Tambobong
preparing for the day ahead

Whats different about this outdoor trip is that this time we have a model in tow. Our first destination was the shipwreck in Balinmanok. Its really nice to go there early in the day when the waves are not big. With a cooler filled with ice and beer, cameras ready, we are set for a morning of fun.

As soon as we arrived in Balinmanok, the indios went straight to "work" - this includes hitting the hammock with a cold beer or finding a spot for our model to pose. I went to the beach to find my favorite "Nemos", but not before I took some "model shots" :).


shy Lee Ann

emerald stare

I know these are not my typical outdoor shots, but hey these are taken outdoors so they can still count. Some of us did manage to keep our promise to enjoy the beach and take less photos.

Francis and Reejoie
beach jumpers

With the cold beer almost depleted, we went back to our host's house for lunch. The only time these photographers rest is when they are cleaning their equipment. Right after lunch we had to find a new location to shoot, so I led them to a cave with an emerald pool just a few minutes hike from our camp. This time I did not bring my camera, so I'll just show some of the images I took there from my previous trip.

Cave Explorers
Cave explorers

Lovers in the Cave
Lovers in the cave

The cool water in the cave was enough to rejuvenate our tired muscles. Its was a stark contrast from the hot and sunny beach (not I that I don't like it that way). I had to keep reminding them of the time, otherwise they would have stayed here until dark.

We went back to camp just in time for the low tide. The sun's glow started to turn golden. Perfect for a low tide sunset shoot in Cabacungan.

Model shoots I can do without, but sunsets are another story. And Kabakungan offers endless possibilities for sunset scenes. After catching a short breather, off we go to Nalasin, our entry point to Kabakungan Cove.

Here's a preview of our Kabakungan sunset:

Cabacungan lowtide sunset

Up next:
  • Cabacungan sunset shoot and Colibra island castaways
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Anonymous said...

The lowtide sunset is one of my favorites and of the cave. This is a cool place to go. Say, where is this again? And is your model really shy? LOL! mura lagi ug dili....

Lantaw said...

Pacey, Still at my fave town of Dasol in Pangasinan. She's shy and soft spoken, really :)

Sidney said...

Hmmmm.... sunsets are every day... not sure about the models... ;-)
Great pictures! Looks like you had some fun time with your buddies and ...the models ! ;-)

Marites said...

Hay! each time I get here, i'd find something to get envy of. Ganda ng pictures mo! Sobra! Gusto ko nang sumama sa gimiks nyo ah.

Shy ang model? She's oozing with sex appeal, i must say:)

Lantaw said...

Sidney, right you are, sunsets are everyday :D. it was a real fun weekend :)

Marites, Shy off camera but she transforms into something else in front of the camera hahaha. Sama ka minsan pag nag timing ang scheds natin

Arija said...

Love the cave, the sunset and the lovely on the beach, but most of all I love the two Jumping Jacks on the beach.

atto aryo said...

wooo! that sunset shot rocks! pasali naman diyan sa indios pag-uwi ko. heheh

Lantaw said...

Tediber, Thankfully my sunset shots do not result to telenovela endings :D

Arija, I too can't believe that they were able to do it, I was lucky to click the shutter in perfect timing

r-yo, sure sure. thanks! :)

SandyCarlson said...

These are really beautiful. What a great range. I wish I could jump like that!

estan said...

it's always a good thing to spend time with fellow photographers for the camaraderie and exchange of notes. but for me, i would try another beach than going to the same place :)

Lantaw said...

estan, its was their first time to visit Tambobong (except buboy and me). So the trip was planned for them.

Oman said...

hmmm. you gave me an idea. after i am through with landscapes eh magshishift naman ako sa mga model shots lol. i already have some kaso hindi pa worth i-publish kasi di ko nagagandahan. plus, i need better lens and lighting siguro.

great shots as always. ang ganda nga bro ng cagbalete. tnx for the tip to dom on that one.

Tin said...

Perfect sunset shot.
I've been following your blog for quite a while now. You're photos never fail to amaze me.

Reena said...

wait, so wher is this place anyway? san ba ang Tambobong?

i like the cave. is the water really bluish?

why did you have a model with you? i like her green eyes. :) so may na-develop na ba? i mean na-develop na photos? hahahaha

Carver said...

What a beautiful place and you photographed it so well.

Esther Garvi said...

Haha, my friends are also telling me to take less pictures and enjoy more, but it's fun doing both!! Loved your pictures, as usual. Now tell me, when is your next horseback experience???

Photo Cache said...

a photo trip with fellow snappers sounds like a good plan and a fun trip especially with that adobong pusit.

that place is so magical.

Lantaw said...

Oman, Don't worry bro, even kit lenses are fine for portraiture, you just have to find a good model :D. Might "swing" by Cagbalete also before the summer ends.

Tin, Thanks! Glad you like my blog.

Reena, Its on the western coast of Pangasinan. Yup the cave water has a blue-green tinge. Why we had a model with us? Beats me hahaha. Somebody just decided to bring one along to spice up the adventure :D

Carver, Thanks! Its indeed a beautiful place.

Esther, Haha take less pics, very hard to do :D. Haven't been near a horse in a while hehe, this gives me an idea, maybe when I get back to Tambobong I'll try riding the local horses if they let me :)

Photo Cache, You can never go wrong with adobo hahaha. What I really love about the place is that nobody seems to know its there (for the moment) except us.

stevevhan said...

I want to be like you someday lantaw, this is my first time here, but i am really amazed with the pictures you have taken, it's all beautiful!, the places are unique.

btw, care to link ex?

caryn said...

Huwaw! those are great photos! loved the jump shot and the one of lovers in a cave. the water looks heavenly!

Sae said...

nice sunset! :)

just wondering if i can bribe you para kunin mo kong model. Lolx. :)

(from Vanny's site)

Lantaw said...

stevevhan Thanks! sure link me up.

caryn, The water there was quite cold but refreshing :)

Sae, Sure sure. Do you have profile pics? :D

Glennis said...

The lowtide sunset is a great photo, very pretty. The deep cave is interesting too.

escape said...

more than just snorkeling, i now like the cave too. you really explore beautiful exotic islands.

my personal favorite shot in this set is the third to the last photo with caption cave explorers. galing kasi nung mix ng dark at light.

Garando said...

After seeing the model shots, I was about to say that maybe you should take a break from outdoor shots more often! But then I saw that last sunset photo and it brought me back to my senses! Stick to outdoor!! :D
The cave looked amazing btw.

ALiNe said...

Ang ganda... I thought sa club paradise yungunang pix :D

Unknown said...

wow ha. pretty spiced up ang outdoors nio a.
trip ko gid ning ND grad + tobacco filter mo ba hehe

Ishmael F. Ahab said...

Another set of nice photos! (Yep including your model). Hey is her eyes really colored emeral or is she just wearing colored contact lens?

The Islander said...

wow! hot...

Kodak Picturezzz said...

I love the photos, chief.

So loving them. :)

Lantaw said...

Glennis, thanks! That cave is indeed great, wait till you try the water in there :)

Dom, sched mo na visit dun :)

Garando, hahaha, don't worry I'll definitely stick to outdoor photos :)

AliNe, Thanks thanks!

Tracer, hehehe, it was a nice deviation from my usual shots

Ishmael, She was wearing contacts :)

The Islander, thanks! hope you think she is as hot as our summer :)

Retro Manila, Thanks bossing! :)


The Nomadic Pinoy said...

What a gorgeously shot sunset. A wonderful way to end a long day shooting eh? Happy Easter!

lagal[og] said...

happy easter bai! God bless!

Lantaw said...

Nomadic Pinoy, Indeed! No better way to end the day than to see the setting sun :). Happy Easter!

Oggie, Happy Easter bai! Happy trip too :)

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