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This blog is an amateur photographer's attempt to show how beautiful the world really is. He is drawn to the colors of nature like a moth to a candle light. What are showcased here are nature's grand display of colors at sunrise and sunset, beautiful beaches and off-the-beaten track locations in his beloved Philippines, waterfalls and some of nature's great sculptures, architectural gems, and other views from around SE Asia that he was fortunate to see at one point.

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March 21, 2009

going "home" to osmeña/tambobong (dasol, pangasinan)

peaceful Tambobong Beach

Well it felt like that - like going home - when we went to back Brgy. Osmeña in Dasol, Pangasinan last weekend. It was my second trip there this year in a span of just a couple of weeks. I'm feeling like a local already :). I promised myself I would enjoy more of the sea and sun this time, and do less photography.

It was raining when we got there at 4AM. Weird summer weather. My hopes of doing some sunrise shots were dashed by the trickle of the rain. Oh well, minimal photography I reminded myself ... better catch up with your sleep.

20,133 views over the sea :D
into the blues

We headed to our favorite snorkeling spot in Balinmanok after breakfast. Our host's cousin has a perfect spot there with a shipwreck right in front of the beach (we don't know the name of the Chinese boat "resting" there so we just called the spot "Balinmanok Wreck", try googling it :) ). The sea was calm and the water was cool. The sun occasionally hide behind clouds. Not too sunny, but not too gloomy either. Not too perfect but its an OK beach weather. (Hey it rhymes!)

Some of my companions headed straight to the hammocks with their mp3s and PSPs. I went straight to snorkeling and toyed around with a friend's underwater (film instamatic) camera. We found a sea anemone with about 4 "Nemos" :). I saw two large clownfishes - must be the breeding pair. I took several shots ... OK may be a bit too many. I swore the clownfishes were already blinded by the flash by the time I was through.

Later found out after having the negatives scanned that all I got was 1 blurred photo with them in the center, and several very blurred ones with maybe a tail, or a head, not really sure. Its the the old film days all over again. Hmm, hit and miss (mostly miss) photography.

More sun and sea this time ...
two thumbs up!

Later that afternoon, I couldn't help myself going to my favorite spot in Cabacungan. I volunteered as "guide" for some of the first timers, but I was really hoping to get some sunset shots.

Rocks of Nalasin
Nalasin rocks (on the way to Cabacungan)

Light was perfect when we passed by the rock "towers" of Nalasin. I took some wonderful sunset shots from that spot only a month ago.


The waves were quite big in Cabacungan cove that afternoon. The emerald pool inside Cabacungan cave was murky and too dangerous to swim in. One could easily get slammed on the cave walls. We instead just waited for the sunset on the edge of the chasm I wrote about in this post.

Sunset on the Edge
waiting for the sunset

Sunset came but there was no spectacular colors this time. The horizon was shrouded with this grey flat clouds. Sigh, less of photography.

golden hour in Cabacungan

The weather the next day was perfect! We sent searching for other coves we have not visited before. We found a small beach just south of Balinmanok (still part of Brgy Osmeña). True enough, the folks there are either cousins or uncles of our hosts :).

unnamed beach in Osmeña

I took a couple of shots and went straight to the business of finding other "Nemos". Found none this time, but came across a lot of jellyfish - the none poisonous types. There was not much near the shore, the corals were dead and the sea bed covered with sea grass. They do sea weed farming there but apart from that there's not much to see.

perfect beach day

nice shady spot

I would be leading a group of photographers in Dasol next week on a photo safari. So the "enjoy the beach and do less of photography" promise goes right out of the window.

If you like the destinations I feature on my blog and want to visit them on a photo safari, send me an email at aebarredo[at]gmail.com. If you are the outdoor type, then these destinations maybe for you.

Photos around Osmeña( and Tambobong) and neighboring attractions here, here and here

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Anonymous said...

Nindot...wa koy ma sulti ani uy! Ganahan ko tanan sa shots. But I would never want to be exposed like those sirens caught in the act, hahahaha...

escape said...

i definitely want to see this one day. snorkeling alone can already convince me to a place, what more with this where one can enjoy the serenity of the town, do island hopping or just relax. ill definitely like a place like that. i miss my own province.

The Nomadic Pinoy said...

great looking photographs as always.

Unknown said...

another set of stunning skies, rocks and sea bro! ayos ang underwater mo ah. hehe
that nalasin rocks ive got to see next time i go home.

Lantaw said...

Skies, pang facebook shots daw nila yan hahaha

Dom, lets schedule a trip next month ;)

Nomadic Pinoy, Thanks!

Tracer, Pag puli mo dire bro kadto ta didto

Reena said...

hi. tnx for the blog visit. i linked you na so i could visit yours narin regularly. :) (and regularly means everyday. hehe)

i enjoy your photos. sayang walang nemo shot. but i once saw nemo in palawan!!!! they're cute. :)

so your work involves tourism?

Lantaw said...

Reena, Thanks! will link you up too :). I'm a software engineer who just loves the outdoors :)

Shey said...

Ang galing mo! Awesome, breathtaking photos!

Thanks for stopping by my page.

Anonymous said...

ganda dito !

bro, matuloy ka ba uwi dito sa holy week?

Lantaw said...

Shey, Thanks!

Leonard, yup matutuloy ako bro, will be in Gensan April 3 morning

Garando said...

As always you have one of most fantastic outdoor photographs I've ever seen! Galeng!
It's too bad that your shots of the breeding fishes got spoiled. It would've been nice to see some clownfish porn. :D

Anonymous said...

This is really nice, you want to go to Lake Maughan this April 4? Bloggers iun Gensan are getting ready for a trip there, do let us know.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful place! You make it sooo tempting to hop on the next plane and go explore.

You mentioned that RR play can get rough - too rough or just rough?
Sheba has a very high pain threshold level but I have never once seen her lose her temper or self-control (snapping or snarling).

Greetings from Africa!

escape said...

sana magkatugma na tayo sa schedule. hehehe... sana sana. fingers crossed here.

Louise said...

What a place. So, so beautiful. I love the "into the blues" photo.

alicesg said...

Beautiful photos and lovely scenery. The scuba diving reminds me of my sporting nephew. He always go diving in Phuket and Tioman.

Photo Cache said...

It's too beautiful out there. Good luck on that line where you said "do less photography".

My entry is here: http://ewok1993.wordpress.com

Anonymous said...

Love this place. Hope to one day visit it! Thanks!

Oman said...

Hey Allan, like what you have said, Cagbalete is paradise.

I have been eyeing Dasol for quite sometime now but sadly my sched up to April are all packed-up. I do really hope to go there someday. And for now, I just have to content myself with your awesome photos. :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

These are little slices of paradise. Fabulous scenery.

Arija said...

I love your world and your photos, it is like paradise on earth!

Reena said...

haha..ikaw pala si allan linked by dong. :)

SandyCarlson said...

Oh, to get there! What stunning, immediate, beautiful photos.

Nash said...

hey lantaw oh wow your pictures are breath taking shocks :)

enwei thanks for your suggestion last time. I was able to acquire my DSLR na weeee see you on my site :)

Lantaw said...

Garando, Haha clownfish porn, now thats a real funny show ;)

sheng, Oo ba, may details na ba?

Esther, I see they are good dogs :). Thanks for dropping by

Dom, Sana nga :)

Lantaw said...

Louise, Thank you!

alicesg, Wow, thats a nice and expensive sport ;)

Photo Cache, hehe I doubt it also :)

Jenn, Thanks!

Lantaw said...

Oman, Glad you enjoyed Cagbalete :)

Babooshka, Thanks!

Arija, Its a little piece of paradise indeed :)

Reena, Yup, I am him :D

Sandy, I'll take you there through my photos :)

Nash Good for you! Happy new camera :)

Sidney said...

Wow...that is a nice place... great pictures...really make me want to go there...

Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...

I just found your blog and totally love it!!! I'm a Filipino-Canadian travel blogger based in Toronto, Canada! I love your photos! I'll be following your blog closely!

Anonymous said...

wow! I love your Nalasin rocks, Kabakungan cove pics. Ikaw guide namin pag napunta kami diyan balang araw:)

Lantaw said...

Sidney, its summer, the beach is waiting :)

jen, Thank you!

Marites, Sige ba :)

Nash said...

ayeee thanks sir :)

time to learn digital photgraphy 101 ahahaha :p

Anonymous said...

all I can say is WOW! ang ganda! :)

Lantaw said...

Salamat Nash and Bryan!

Doug M said...

Allan, Thank you for your pictures, they are absolutely wonderful. My wife is from Hermosa (another bgy of Dasol). We are planning a trip back this May and I've tried to learn as much as possible about the scenery, demographics and the culture as I can. I've only been as far north as Angeles. You've been a tremendous help. Thumbs up!



Lantaw said...

Doug, Glad to be of help. Please let me know if you need more details. Thanks!

Regina said...

Wow what a great post. I love your blog. Super ganda! (I love the beach)

Lantaw said...

Thanks Regina!

Glennis said...

Great beaches would be nice to leave my footsteps there.

Lantaw said...

Glennis, Great beaches are the ones tucked away in a little corner :D

Rey said...

Wow..nice Place...

Guys, If you want to know other great travel destinations, feel free to view Travel Blog and see great, wonderful and some historical places that will amazed and would loved you to go and explore.

vlad said...

proud to be dasolinian!!!

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